Melodie Barillaro
Melodie is a registered nurse who grew up in New Mexico. Melodie attended the University of New Mexico’s EMS Academy for her EMT-Basic education. She then moved and gained her EMT-Intermediate training at the New England EMS Institute. Her first job in medicine was as an EMT working as a first responder for the town of Haverhill, Massachusetts. After moving back to New Mexico and working alongside amazing RNs as an Emergency room technician, she decided to pursue nursing. She attended Carrington College and completed her associate degree in nursing in 2010.
After obtaining her RN Melodie worked as an emergency room nurse for both Presbyterian Rust Meical Center in New Mexico and then at Geisinger Medical Center in Pennsylvania. Melodie left the emergency department to work as a donor and therapeutic apheresis nurse treating patients with auto-immune diseases, blood diseases and cancers. Her last five years in apheresis was as their Operations RN Manager. She enjoyed getting to know her repeat patients and their families and watching some of them graduate out of apheresis, something she was unable to do in emergency medicine.
Melodie, an RN, has a deep passion for health and wellness. She enjoys sharing her knowledge with her patients and colleagues, helping lead those to commit to a healthy lifestyle.
Arizona is the fifth state Melodie has moved to in her adult life. In her spare time, Melodie enjoys traveling, spending time with her family and stand up paddle boarding.