On-site medical care individually tailored to your organization’s needs.
A Unique Approach to Healthcare Solutions
What Our Clients and Partners Say
I have had the pleasure of a professional association with Healthcare Solutions for the last 3-4 years. They are a group of nurse practitioners that provide exceptional care to their patients. They are very dedicated to quality healthcare to their clientele and are quite thorough in their evaluation and appropriateness of referrals to my endocrine patients. I believe the structure of their company is a unique approach in the workplace, to keep employees healthy and at work, and provide a service that would otherwise not be available to them. They often make new diagnoses and are certainly open to referral when that diagnosis warrants such. I would highly recommend working with Healthcare Solutions in that I intend to continue my professional association with them in the future.
I have had the pleasure of sharing patients with Healthcare Solutions Centers, LLC for many years now. I am a urologist who specializes in prostate care and have seen many patients referred for prostate issues through the years. I have been impressed with the quality of evaluations rendered by Healthcare Solutions in regards to screening patients prior to my seeing them as a specialist consultant. The patients arrive with detailed accurate records and pertinent laboratory data. I have also been impressed through the years with the very competent workups that I have seen prior to referring to me as a specialist. As a physician who sees many referred patients from other physicians and offices, I must say that the care and attention to detail that I have seen consistently from Healthcare Solutions is very refreshing and helpful for me as a subspecialist. I have also been quite impressed with the personal touch rendered by many of the providers in regards to calling patients and educating them on their healthcare needs. Overall it has been a very pleasant experience working with the team at Healthcare Solutions and I feel very fortunate to be part of their team in regards to prostate care. I think they are doing an exceptionally fine job at what they do and look forward to many years of continued collaboration.
It is my pleasure to write a letter in support of the excellent healthcare delivery model that is Healthcare Solutions. I have provided cardiology consultation to their patients for many years, and have been exceedingly impressed with the quality of care delivered by this dedicated group of professionals. They function in many ways at the level of primary care physicians, taking a very aggressive preventive approach with respect to cardiovascular disease and doing a superb job of educating the patient, an important part of the treatment program. At a time when accessibility to healthcare is challenging, especially in light of the difficulties for many in taking time off from work, the value of having an onsite provider is immeasurable. Having seen the value of this service both from an employee and management point of view, I enthusiastically endorse Healthcare Solutions as a way of keeping your employees well and productive. If I can provide any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
It is with great pleasure that I write this supportive letter of recommendation for Frances Ducar and Healthcare Solutions Centers, LLC, a creative company impacting the healthcare marketplace and the health and wellness of our community. Serving as the current President of the Maricopa County Medical Society, and immediate past President of the Arizona Foundation for Medical Care, I am keenly aware of the critical need for innovative improvements in our current system to directly address costs and access to care. Healthcare Solutions Centers was created by Frances Ducar, a well-known and respected healthcare provider with vast clinical experience, to positively address these deficiencies in the marketplace. As a Board-certified Gastroenterologist, I have been in clinical practice for over 15 years, taking care of patients with gastrointestinal and liver concerns, as well as prevention of colon cancer. In an effort to meet the needs of patients and the market, we have a state-licensed, Medicare-certified, AAAHC-accredited ambulatory surgery center (ASC) on-site where we provide timely preventative and therapeutic procedures in a cost effective manner. We have joined together with others to form the third largest GI practice in the country, and are entirely paperless. Interfacing with hundreds of other providers in the Valley, I am not only impressed by the organizational infrastructure and business model with coordination of care at on-site clinics, taking care of problems in a timely fashion (often on the same day), but what truly stands out is the high quality of care documented in thorough electronic medical records that arrive before the patient’s appointment. My perception is uniformly validated by the patient’s confidence in their HCS provider, and the care that they are coordinating.
SimonMed Imaging, the largest outpatient radiology physician practice in the United States, is proud to work directly with Healthcare Solutions Center (HCS). Together, both SimonMed and HCS, offer the highest quality and most affordable care available to patients. SimonMed and HCS work together to coordinate care for patients, which along with the largest network of board-certified, sub-specialty trained Radiologists in the state helps to drastically reduce any unwanted and costly duplicated diagnostic tests. With the most 3T MRI, 3T Wide-bore MRI, the only 1.2 T Open MRI and four #D breast tomosynthesis scanners, SimonMed offers the most advances and specialized diagnostic imaging technology available in Arizona. SimonMed is a comprehensive, multi-modality provider with services ranging from Neuroimaging and Orthopedic imaging to mammography and biopsy services to pediatrics and oncology. In coordination with HCS, SimonMed ensures that patients are seen in a timely fashion, often on the same day, and that patients are compliant with their care and continue to receive the proper treatment at an on-site clinic. HCS patients have access to all of this cutting-edge technology and leading patient focused care at an often heavily discounted cash pay price because of the relationship between SimonMed and HCS. SimonMed Imaging is excited about its relationship with HCS and looks forward to continuing that partnership and offering the highest quality care and the most affordable price to HCS patients.
I was injured at work and was able to get my injuries assessed quickly with the onsite. They gave me a a plan of care, work excuse note and allowed me to recover and checked in on me to make sure that I was getting better. The next follow-up appointment I was ready to return to work and was cleared for same day return. It was very efficient, and I feel like they always get us back to work quickly and safely.
I was having a hard time with weight loss and was getting very frustrated and losing hope. One of my co-workers forwarded me an email that was talking all about a weight-loss plan that the onsite clinic provides. I set goals with the nurse at the clinic and worked every week on meeting them. I ended up losing 15 pounds and encouraged my wife to also try it out and she lost 10 pounds. It has helped me better understand the weight loss process and make weekly goals so that they are easier to achieve and make me confident that I am making progress. I am now living a healthier and happier life. I have a ton more energy at work and still have energy when I come home to my two young children.
During the COVID-19 pandemic I had some questions about my labs, but I was uncomfortable going into the clinic. I called in and asked if there was another way to go over the labs, and they put me on one of the FNP’s schedules immediately for a telehealth phone call. This allowed me to get all the information I need while staying safe in my house. I think that they are being very progressive with their healthcare.
I had extremely bad ear pain at work and knew that I needed a checkup, but I did not want to go through the hassle of going to a doctor’s office and waiting. I was telling one of my co-workers and she told me just to go upstairs to the clinic and see the FNP. It was so convenient and got everything I needed with that visit. It was also nice that I could just walk right back to desk and go straight back to work. My FNP was very nice and welcoming and I got my prescription same day at my pharmacy.
Doing the biometric review on my very first appointment really opened my eyes. It should me my numbers, that I was prediabetic and a lifestyle change was needed. Without this testing I would have never of known and probably would have become a diabetic with increasing health issues. I am so thankful! I have changed the way that I live and it has been for the best.
As a commitment to out Team Members’ health and wellness, in March 2014 Leslie’s Poolmart, Inc. partnered with Healthcare Solutions Center LLC to open our first on-site Health and Wellness clinic at our corporate office. Over a very short period of time, our team has taken full advantage of the on-site preventative care services as well as treatment of illness or minor injuries at no cost to them. Leslie’s Team Members appreciate this service tremendously as it saves them time and money. Scheduling an appointment to see our on-site Nurse Practitioner is very east and is accomplished via an online appointment platform or simply by calling Healthcare Solutions Center’s main office. Our on-site Nurse Practitioner, Kristi Chase, has been a pleasure to work with and is trusted and respected by our team. She has established a great patient-provider relationship with our team members. With her medical knowledge and professional approach, she coaches Team Members on medical issues while encouraging them to take charge of their health. Together with Frances Ducar and her staff at Healthcare Solutions Center LLC, we have implemented additional benefits outside of the typical health and wellness services rendered at the clinic. We are offering preventive care events such as biometric screening reviews and monthly blood draws to support our Team Members in their efforts to maintain or improve their health. Providing access to professional medical and preventative services that are convenient, confidential and timely, coupled with healthcare cost savings, has proven invaluable to out Team Members and plays an integral role in our efforts to promote a culture of wellness. Thus, we highly recommend Healthcare Solutions Center LLC as a great partner for onsite health and wellness services.
As an employer, I have had the pleasure of working with Healthcare Solutions (HCS) for the past 11 years. We opened up our onsite wellness center with HCS in January 2010 and it has been a very successful endeavor. We have extremely high employee participation which resulted in CopperPoint Mutual Insurance Company expanding the hours of the wellness center in order to meet demand. Employees and family members have found the services to and care provided by the nurse practitioners to be excellent. There have been many success stories that employees and dependents have shared regarding how the nurse practitioners have made an impact on their health. The wellness center has been an extremely positive benefit for employees and dependents and allowed for them to manage their health conditions in a positive way.
Earnhardt Auto Centers has offered its employees onsite healthcare through Healthcare Solutions since October 2007. The decision to offer this benefit to our employees has proven to be one of the wisest business decisions we have ever made. We are particularly impressed with the convenience this offers to our employees. Healthcare Solutions offers same-day appointments, quick diagnoses, no co-pay, and medication on site. Our employees are able to get timely and inexpensive medical treatment and this has not only increased morale, but also productivity. Healthcare Solutions is a very cost-effective healthcare program for companies like ours and we highly recommend their services. You’ll see a great cost savings and…That ain’t no bull!
Chapman Automotive Group has been contracted with HCS… and the relationship has exceeded all expectations. The relationship has exceeded all expectations. The results are as follows: WIN – a healthier and happier work force. HCS provides a service and benefit to our members that is not only appreciated but is highly valued by ALL. WIN – effective control of healthcare insurance premiums. Through early intervention and ease of access, our claims per employee have dramatically decreased over the last three years resulting in controlled health care premiums. WIN – more productive team members. With immediate relief available for common illnesses like colds and flu, members no longer have to wait to see their doctor. They get in and get help and back to work sooner, saving the company untold man hours.
On-Site Health Care Clinics
Healthcare Solutions Centers are a team of highly skilled medical practitioners dedicated to providing your employees with high quality healthcare while reducing your company's overall healthcare cost. Each on-site healthcare clinic is individually tailored to your company's needs and staffed by a certified Family Nurse Practitioner that will be your company healthcare advocate.
We have locations around the valley and throughout the state of Arizona. Some of the cities we are located in are:
Phoenix • Scottsdale • Chandler • Tempe • San Tan • Flagstaff • Avondale • Gilbert • Mesa • Tucson • Oro Valley • Yuma